It is entered in the categories of One Metre Material Project (definitely less than one metre of fabric here!) and Containment System.
Categories 12 & 25- a book to contain veil and sleeve pins. Made from remnants of velvet, linen and felt. I put pins on the felt to figure out what size it needed to be, then cut 2 pieces of felt- one that size, and one 1/2 an inch larger on both sides. I wrapped the velvet around the larger piece, cut away some excess fabric, and sewed it to stay put. I then sewed a piece of linen to cover the edges of the velvet and the middle section of the felt. This made the cover. I sewed the pages to the cover along the spine of the book, and made some cords to tie it closed out of silk embroidery thread. It was a quick and easy project, and something I'd been wanting for a while.
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